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FAITH Over Fear!

What would you do if God shook up your world, pulled you out of your comfort zone, made the resources you've always had unavailable, leads you into foreign land, and tells you that this is your new home for the next season? No known plan to your knowledge, no explanation, no hint on what's to come, just instructions to wait...

I am aware that God's plans are to prosper me, to give me hope, a bright future, and never to do any harm. (Jeremiah 29:11) But knowing this and wholeheartedly believing and living in what He said in His word is a wholeee different story. I think I can speak for myself and many others when I say the truth of the matter is, whenever we experience an UNEXPECTED SHIFT in our lives, it is paired with the testing of our faith.

Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice

Just recently I had to make the choice to go forth with a decision that has caused a HUGE shift in my life. It’s been a topic of conversation between God and I for about 3-4 months, and He finally put me in a place where I had no choice but to submit to His will. I've asked Him so many questions, like where will He take me next? Will I be okay? How will others view the shift? What should I be doing in between time? I haven't been given any further instructions, other than to be steadfast and wait on Him. It was hard to accept this as an answer at first, but it is getting easier as the days turn. I truly feel that being obedient to His instruction in this particular situation has been no easy task, however, I know it is an intricate part in my journey with God for this new year. 

For the past few months, I’ve wrestled with just the thought of even proceeding with this decision God has called me to make. I’ve cried and prayed countless times, made excuses, suffered from anxiety, lost hours of sleep, and even straight up ignored God’s voice in a lot of cases.. I’ve gone through waves and waves of emotions and truthfully am still battling with them to this day. It’s never easy being released from people, places, or things that have played such major roles in your life. That have added to your value, poured into you, and will forever hold a special place in your heart. It’s a tough place of dwelling, but obedience is better than sacrifice!

A Word Of Encouragement

I want to leave you all and myself with a word of encouragement that I am receiving from God as I write. If God is pulling you out of a season of your life you thought would never end, trust that what's to come is greater than anything you could imagine! Break-ups, leaving jobs, separating from friends, breaking habits, divorce, and the many other situations God could be bringing you out of can be scary. Imagining what your life will be outside of what you have accepted as your "norm" can be scary. Change is scary. Not knowing what lies ahead is scary. But that fear on the inside of us that we develop is just what the enemy ordered! The enemy uses fear to paralyze our minds and convinces us that there is a limit to the blessings God has in store for us.

I'm encouraging you and I both tonight to have faith over fear. That we would believe that God did not bring us this far to leave us. That we remember to trust that He is a man of His Word and if He said it, then IT SHALL come to pass. Yes, we may be on unfamiliar land preparing for battle, but thank God we're on the same team with the one who has already CONQUERED IT ALL! Let us thank God that He didn't just leave us where He found us, but that He picked us up, gave us purpose and hope, and now He is moving on our behalf. What an amazing God.


Dear God I want to thank you that you are blessing every person who read this blog to operate with faith over fear. God we thank you for pulling us out of comfort zones and challenging us Lord, to go higher and higher in your kingdom. God we thank you for awakening every dry bone in our body. For blessing us with the wisdom to follow you and to trust that your ways are better than our own. We thank you for comforting us even when we feel alone on our journeys. We bind the spirit of fear in our lives Oh God! Let us conquer our trials and tribulations knowing that there is wisdom to follow! Continue to guide us, cover and keep us Lord as we continue to Heal, Evolve, and Rise together. AMEN!

HEy friend!
Thanks for stopping by!

I can only pray you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed writing it! I pray it enlightens you and encourages you to keep enduring throughout your journey.


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