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Person Behind The Pen!


Hey, friend! Thanks for stopping by! My name is Alita Fulford and I am, "The Person Behind The Pen!" I was born and raised in Washington, DC and graduated college from The Illustrious Virginia State University where I received my Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education! Go Trojans! Post graduation, I decided to permanently move to Virginia and began my career as an Elementary School teacher. I am a very active member at my church where I serve as the Worship Leader, as well as assume the role of the Youth Department Administrator. ​​


As long as I can remember, I've used journaling as my outlet and source of expression to help manage my daily thoughts, and feelings towards different experiences in my life. Writing has afforded me the opportunity to understand myself on a deeper level and has become one of my favorite ways to communicate with God.​


In October of 2021, God placed on my heart that it was time to be intentional about my journaling. At the time, I was enduring an extremely tough season in my healing journey, so naturally I clung to my journals tighter than ever! My relationship with God reached a new level during that time because I was more real with him and my writing than I had ever been before. If I was angry with Him, I wrote about it, if I felt hurt by Him, I wrote about it, if my faith in Him was weak, I wrote about it. The most beautiful part about it all is that He responded mightily! When I stopped trying to force laughs with Him, while we knew my heart was crying, when I stopped trying to look my best to Him, when we knew I wasn't clean inside, when I stopped giving Him the me I thought He wanted me to be. He spoke! Not only did he begin renewing me from the inside out, he also gave me the vision of this blog.


​I chose the name, "Hidden Treasures" because while I seemed to be in one of the darkest places in my life, God continued to show me how valuable I was to Him. He continued to tell me that there was purpose in my process and that I was not being buried, I was being planted.  That he would soon give me beauty for my ashes. That I was not being overlooked, I was being Hidden and preserved for such a time as now. My hope is that each reader can realize this as well. You don't have to dress it up and make it beautiful for Him. God wants you as you are, right where you are. All he wants is a true relationship with you! Get to know Him to the point where you can wholeheartedly trust that even when you don't see Him, hear Him, or feel Him, you know HE IS WORKING! Feed your spirit with The Word of God until the goals and plans you've laid out for yourself fade away because your faith in God's goals and plans is greater!​​


As a millennial myself chasing after God's heart, I can tell you now it won't always be easy, BUT, it will always be worth it! Again, welcome to Hidden Treasures! I am confident that with God, we will HEAL, EVOLVE, and RISE together! 

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